
Exchange with Jpecsok


First name Ján
City Prague
Native country SK Slovakia
Current country CZ Czech Republic
Age 34
Gender Male
Native language CS Czech
SK Slovak
Studied language EN English
HU Hungarian
DE German



Hello, my name is Jan, I am entrepreneur combining IT and nutrition. My hobbies are healthy lifestyle, chess, running, hiking, personal development. I am interested in how to live inspired, balanced, productive and fullfiled life. I am native Slovak speaker, but I live in Prague and have Czech wife, so I speak more Czech then Slovak.

I can speak English, but I would like to improve it. I would like to learn German and Hungarian. As I have Hungarian family, but I dont speak Hungarian. And I had German at school, but never really used much.

I am eager to get to know new people and happy to help with Czech and Slovak :)

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First name Ján
City Prague
Current country CZ Czech Republic
Native language CS Czech
SK Slovak
Studied language EN English
HU Hungarian
DE German
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