
Exchange with Chinastone


First name 石头
City Harbin
Native country CN China
Current country CN China
Age 19
Gender Male
Native language ZH Chinese (Mandarin)
ZT Chinese (Taiwanese)
Studied language OJ Ojibwa
UK Ukrainian
CR Cree
IK Inupiaq



我叫石头 是一名影像类艺术创作者 超凡摄影部的主理人 我来自中国的北方地区哈尔滨 精通中国语言希望学习,结识,熟练掌握英语或俄语的朋友
My name is Stone. I am a video art creator and the director of the extraordinary photography department. I come from Harbin, the northern region of China. I am proficient in the Chinese language and hope to learn, meet friends who are proficient in English or Russian.

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First name 石头
City Harbin
Current country CN China
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