
Language Exchange

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Native language :  Portuguese
Studied language :  Japanese, Korean, English
hi!!! im julia and i would love to be friends with you! i study psychology and i love to speak another languages. my english communication is intermediate and i usually practice with videos or tv series. i admire the asian culture, that´s why i'm interested to keep learning japanese and korean. i hope we can help each other in our necessities!
Native language :  Russian
Studied language :  English
Привет! Меня зовут Дмитрий, я предприниматель, сейчас проживаю в США во Флориде и хотел бы изучать английский язык, мой родной язык русский и я буду рад помочь с изучением русского языка. Hello! My name is Dmitry, I am an entrepreneur, I currently live in the USA in Florida and would like to learn English, my native language is Russian and I will be glad to help you with learning Russian.
Native language :  Russian
Studied language :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Привет. Меня зовут Алёна, я из России и мне 16 лет. Я очень хочу поступить в китайский университет и для этого уже 5 год изучаю китайский язык. В этом году я заканчиваю школу, но из-за того, что мне всего 16 лет университет требует найти опекуна. Моя семья долго пыталась найти человека через посредников, друзей, агенств, но не получается. Сам университет не оказывает никакой помощи в этом вопросе. Касаемо меня - я довольно самостоятельна. В 11 лет я уже самостоятельно ездила на 1 месяц языковых курсов в гуйлинь. Там я жила одна, без родителей или учителей. Поэтому фактической помощи от опекуна мне потребуется совсем немного, это лишь формальность. Также я профессиональная спортсменка, имею разряд мастера спорта по спортивной акробатике. Очень прошу вас помочь мне в осуществлении моей мечты. Я и моя семья понимаем, что опекунство - все равно большая ответственность, поэтому мы готовы отблагодарить. Вы не могли бы стать моим опекуном? Не знаете ли вы тех, кто мог бы им стать?
Native language :  Romanian
Studied language :  Moldavian
Hello, My name is Stefan and I live in in Romania. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Moldavian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Romanian in exchange.
Native language :  English
Studied language :  Japanese
My name is Shane Watson, I am 35 years old Jamaican living in the UK. I am a teacher/Vice principal. I teach the sciences mostly biology and chemistry. My native language is English, and creole English creole known as patois. My hobbies include writing poetry and currently working on a 3 part novel. I love anime, badminton going to the gym, video games namely Zelda, Metroid, final fantasy, street fighter, Pokémon to name a few. I am also a Pokémon TCG player. Japan is on my bucket list and I plan to do multiple visits I wish to be able to speak and write Japanese and have both casual and formal conversations.
Native language :  Russian
Studied language :  English
Hello folks! I am Jura. I was born in Russia, but I have been living in Cape Town with my boyfriend since 2023. Here are five facts about me: - I have been sober for 2 years. - My dream is to visit Antarctica. - I am crazy about chess and board games. - My favorite scent is that of old books. - I believe that if a person loves dogs and raspberry jam, they cannot be bad.
Native language :  Russian, Tajik, Turkish, Uzbek
Studied language :  English, German
Меня зовут Муроджон. Мне 27 лет. Я занимаюсь бухгалтером.
Native language :  Arabic, English
I love to hangout 😊😁
Native language :  French
Studied language :  Spanish, English
Hello, My name is sabi. I'm 25 years old and I live in in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn French in exchange.
Native language :  Romanian
Studied language :  English
Hi ! I am Andrei . My english level is upper-intermediate. I love film, football, literature, history, geography, etc. I am an open-minded, kind and reliable person. I am a football player and I am also a poet.
Native language :  English
Studied language :  Japanese
Hi, I am Danny. こんにちは。六ヶ月前に日本語の勉強を始めました 話しましょうか ハイキングとロッククライミング と旅行と町に行くのが好きです
Native language :  Korean
Studied language :  English
I'm Chris. I live in the Netherlands since 2020. I like to go to travel, gallery in Europe. born in Seoul. and came to the Netherland as a expat. I'd like to make my English more more profesional and help you your Korean language skill. Thank you. 안녕하세요. 전 서울에서 태어났고,지금은 주재원으로 2020년부터 네덜란드에 살고 있습니다. 반갑습니다.
Native language :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Studied language :  English
hello i'm 24 years old,native chinese,find one who is english speaker. glad to see you contact me
Native language :  English
Studied language :  Spanish
I am an English-speaking retired school counselor from the US, trying to learn Spanish. I have tried on & off to learn this beautiful language but progress has been slow. What I need is a Spanish-speaking partner who is trying to learn English so that we can converse and help each other. I would like someone close to my age (70). I love to read, hike, swim, travel and play with my grandkids.
Native language :  English, Dutch
Hi! Nice to meet you 😊 I'm looking for a language partner. I'm mainly interested to practice Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese and/or French, but I'm also open to learn any other language(s). In exchange I can help you practice Dutch and/or English. Don't hesitate to contact me. I'm looking forward to make some new friends.
Native language :  Japanese
Studied language :  English
Hello! I am looking for someone to practice English with and I can help you with Japanese! I am working in Yokohama, it would be great if anyone can meet up there after we get to know each other. I am interested in anything fun. tell me about your hobby and we can enjoy it together!
Native language :  English, Romanian
Studied language :  Dutch
I currently live in Germany and I am looking to learn the language. I can offer English and Romanian.
Native language :  German, French, Russian
Studied language :  Hebrew
Forever young geek interested in almost everything. I can offer conversations and support in French, German or Russian and I am looking for the same in Hebrew.
Native language :  Spanish, Basque
Studied language :  English
Hi! I'm Irati and actually I'm in Barcelona studing Cultural Management. I love art, museums, all kind of music, literature and nature. I suck at speaking English and I think that it's time to work on it hahaha Por mi parte, puedo ayudarte con el español, vasco y también he comenzado a hablar en catalán así que podemos intentarlo! Quedamos para tomar algo o hacer planes divertidos mientras nos ayudamos! También me entero de muchas actividades culturales a las que podemos ir ☺️🌸
Native language :  Urdu
I'm haya I am a hobbies is learning language